Noni Is Nervous
Heather Hartt-Sussman • Geneviève Côté
3-7 years
A unique hardcover picture book for two to five year olds, this is the story of a lovely little girl who is nervous about many things. Noni finds a way to control her nerves and work through her anxiety, making life much more bearable for everyone!
Noni is nervous about playdates, and global warming, and most of all, about the first day of school. Her parents are worried too, and even her brother is a little wary. But Noni finds a friend, someone a little more outgoing than herself, and discovers that through friendship, she can belong and succeed in a world that once filled her with dread. The story is a universal one about the power of friendship and belonging, delightfully illlustrated by award-winning illustrator Geneviève Côté.
What People Are Saying:
Editors’ Pick in the Sunday New York Times Book Review section
“For a child who worries, the prospect of starting school can cause a lot of hair twirling and nail biting. So it goes with Noni. In Côté’s charmingly loose crayon-and-watercolor illustrations, Noni’s anxiety shows in her pink-cheeked face as she thinks about everything that could go wrong. But by the end of the second day, the troubles she anticipated haven’t occurred, and she teases her parents: “Sheesh! I really don’t know what you are all so nervous about!”
— New York Times Book Review
“From the creators of Noni Says No (2011) comes a book about getting through the first day of school and facing one’s fears….A charming, seemingly simple book that gets right to the heart of the matter.”
— Kirkus Reviews
“Noni makes a friend… and soon many of her anxieties are alleviated. Her new friend “is what Mama calls outgoing,” Noni says, and she makes everything a little bit easier. Gettin’ by with the help of your friend. Oh, and a good book. That’s the way to do it, I say.”
— Kirkus Reviews (US)
“Heather Hartt-Sussman’s endearing story begins by describing how anxious Noni is about her first day in school. The book moves on to explore how Noni copes with her fears and overcomes them through friendship. The story is told with repetitive simple sentences. The pattern of sentence structures will definitely appeal to young children. The writer uses vivid, yet simple, descriptions to make the story come to life….
Young readers looking forward to their first day at school will definitely enjoy this beautiful picture book! Noni is Nervous would be particularly useful for parents and teachers as a read-aloud. Young readers could participate in a shared reading experience or could dramatize the story by taking on the roles of the characters in the story. The story will provide the basis for lively discussion with parents. caregivers or teachers on topics such as emotions, family relationships, belonging, friendship, and caring for others.
Highly Recommended”
— University of Manitoba CM Magazine
“Noni is Nervous is about play dates, bossy friends and global warming. But most of all, she is worried about her first day of school. This delightfully illustrated book will resonate with young readers.”
— Canadian Living Magazine
“Young readers will enjoy the gentle watercolour illustrations, and will relate to the charming tale of Noni Is Nervous. Perfect to read aloud and share before the start of the school year.”
— Yummymummyclub
Also mentioned in Today’s Parent Magazine.

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